
大石缝, VA — The MECC Foundation is pleased to announce the 47th annual John Fox, Jr. 文学节, a free virtual event featuring New York Times bestselling author 西拉的房子, 周三, 3月15日上午10点开始.m. 到中午. 这个节日是免费向公众开放的.

配合节日活动, the MECC Foundation will host the 第36届寂寞松短篇小说大赛 and the 第19届寂寞松诗歌大赛. The deadline for submitting entries is Tuesday, February 28 at 4:30 p.m. 参赛类别包括成人, 高中(9 - 12年级), 和中学(5至8年级)类别. Contest rules are available at the bottom of this page. Winners of the contest will be announced during the 文学节 Event. 所有获奖者将获得现金奖励.

第47届约翰·福克斯. 音乐节将在2023年回归现场形式, 对豪斯的最新小说进行了专题讨论, 云雀提升. 以下是House的演讲, the MECC Foundation will feature a special luncheon with House at the 小约翰·福克斯. 下午12:30开始在大石峡回家.m. Tickets for the luncheon are $30 and can be ordered by calling the MECC Foundation office at 276-523-7466. Tickets are limited, so please reserve early for this event.

西拉的房子 is the New York Times bestselling author of eight books whose work frequently appears in The Atlantic and The New York Times. He is a former commentator for NPR and his work has been widely published in journals and magazines such as Time, 的倡导者, 牛津美语, 花园 & 枪,还有很多其他的. He has lectured internationally and is widely regarded as one of the major writers of the American South.

豪斯在肯塔基州东南部出生并长大. 豪斯的第一部小说, 克莱的被子(2001), is now known as a foundational text for Appalachian Literature. 它的两部配套小说, A Parchment of Leaves (2003) and The Coal Tattoo (2005), were recently re-issued in new editions and are now known as The Appalachian Trilogy. House wrote Something’s Rising: Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal (2009) with Jason Howard. 豪斯的第四部小说, Eli the Good (2009) emerged as a number one bestseller on the Southern lists and received the first annual Storylines Prize from the New York Public 图书馆 system, an award given to a book for use in ESL and literacy programs of New York City. 《靠谱的买球网站》(2012), 与Neela Vaswani合写的, has received more than a dozen awards including the Nautilus, 父母的选择, E.B. 怀特荣誉图书奖,以及其他许多奖项. In 2018 his novel Southernmost appeared on Best of the Year lists of many magazines and was given the Weatherford Award and long listed for the Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction. House has also written three plays that have been produced throughout the country.

In 2020 House received the highest honor for an artist in the Commonwealth of Kentucky when he was given the Governor’s Award for the 艺术. 他还获得了阿巴拉契亚年度图书奖, 朱迪·盖恩斯·杨奖, 知识自由奖, 明爱奖章, 三个荣誉博士学位, 还有很多其他荣誉. In 2021 he was chosen as the Appalachian of the Year by a poll conducted by the podcast Appodlachia.

House served as a writer-in-residence at Eastern Kentucky University in 2004 and 2005 and at Lincoln Memorial University from 2005 to 2010. At LMU he also directed the Mountain Heritage 文学节. In 2010 House became the NEH Chair in Appalachian Studies at Berea College. He has served on the fiction faculty at the Naslund Mann Graduate School of Writing since 2005. House is also an editor at the University Press of Kentucky’s Fireside Industries imprint.

His latest work, 云雀提升, has received critical praise. 大火摧毁了美国大部分地区, Lark and his 家庭 secure a place on a refugee boat headed to Ireland, the last country not yet overrun by extremists and rumored to be accepting American refugees. 但Lark是唯一一个在旅途中幸存下来的, 一旦上岸, 他没有找到他希望的避风港. 他在逃命, Lark finds an abandoned dog who becomes his closest companion, 然后是一个女人在寻找她失去的儿子. Together they form a makeshift 家庭 and attempt to reach Glendalough, 一个他们认为能提供保护的地方. But can any community provide the safety that they seek?

《推荐几个靠谱的买球网站》等小说的读者, 狗之星, 和迁移, 云雀提升 is a moving and unforgettable story of friendship, 家庭, 和治疗. For more information on the MECC Foundation, please visit our website at www.meccfoundation.org.


由Lonesome Pine工艺品公司赞助.




  • 参赛作品分为三类:
成人 高中

(9 - 12年级)


(等级5 - 8)

首先 $200 $70 $50
第二位 $100 $50 $30
第三位 $50 $30 $20
  • Only one (1) short story submission per author is allowed. (Authors 五月 submit one entry in the short story contest 和 one entry in the poetry contest.  如果你想参加两个比赛,你的参赛作品 五月 be submitted together in one envelope, but they must be clearly marked.)
  • 最大长度:1700字.  提交的文件必须 输入 并用回形针装订(没有主食!).  参赛作品必须于 8½ x 11  Entries should be written in an easily legible typeface (such as Times New Roman, Arial, etc.).  请避免使用繁复的或草书字体.  Font size should be at least 12 point and no larger than 14 point.
  • 提交截止时间:下午4:30.m.2月28日,星期二th, 2023.  提交的作品必须加盖邮戳或邮寄至 戈德温大厅的MECC总机 截止日期前.  逾期递交的材料将不予考虑.


  • Winners will be invited to accept their awards at the John Fox, Jr. 2023年3月15日,星期三,上午10点.m. 链接将会公布.
  • A 打字封面 必须配上故事. 它应该包括:
    • 姓名(你的名字应该出现 只有 在封面上 靠谱的买球网站故事)
    • 完整的地址
    • 日间电话号码
    • 备用电话号码(如有)
    • 故事的标题(应该出现在封面上) (故事的第一页)
    • 故事的字数
    • Contest Category (adult, high school, or middle school)
    • Name of school (if submitted in the high school or middle school category)
  • include any supplemental information with your entry (i.e. biographical data on the author, background information on the story, etc.). 这些项目将 由比赛评委宣读或考虑.
  • 在入口的任何地方写上你的名字, 除了封面. 评判是匿名的, and all identifying information will be removed from the story prior to judging.
  • 在比赛中排名第一的参赛作品, 第二个, 第三, or honorable mention) will be published on the 靠谱的买球网站 website and in a booklet to be distributed to attendees at the John Fox, Jr. 节日. By entering the contest, an author consents to these methods of publication.
  • 将参赛作品邮寄至:          



                        主持人:Vicki Rutledge




Contact:  Vicki Rutledge at (276) 523-7466; e-mail: vrutledge@redzphotography.com.


MECC文化基金会主办 & 人文科学委员会



  • 参赛诗歌分为三个类别:
成人 高中

(9 - 12年级)


(等级5 - 8)

首先 $200 $70 $50
第二位 $100 $50 $30
第三位 $50 $30 $20
  • 每位诗人只允许提交一(1)份作品. (Authors 五月 submit one entry in the short story contest 和 one entry in the poetry contest.  如果你想参加两个比赛,你的参赛作品 五月 be submitted together in one envelope, but they must be clearly marked.)
  • 提交的文件必须 输入 并用回形针装订(没有主食!). 参赛作品必须于 8½ x 11  Entries should be written in an easily legible typeface (such as Times New Roman, Arial, etc.).  请避免使用繁复的或草书字体.  Font size should be at least 12 point and no larger than 14 point.
  • 提交截止时间:下午4:30.m.2月28日,星期二th, 2023.  提交的作品必须加盖邮戳或邮寄至 戈德温大厅的MECC总机 截止日期前.  逾期递交的材料将不予考虑.


  • Winners will be invited to accept their awards at the John Fox, Jr. 2023年3月15日,星期三,上午10点.m. 链接将会公布.
  • A 打字封面 必须为你的诗伴奏. 它应该包括:
    • 姓名(你的名字应该出现 只有 在封面上 靠谱的买球网站诗歌)
    • 完整的地址
    • 日间电话号码
    • 备用电话号码(如有)
    • 诗歌的标题应该出现在封面上 诗的第一页)
    • Contest Category (adult, high school, or middle school)
    • Name of school (if submitted in the high school or middle school category)
  • include any supplemental information with your entry (i.e. biographical data on the author, background information on the poem, etc.). 这些项目将 由比赛评委宣读或考虑.
  • 在入口的任何地方写上你的名字, 除了封面. 评判是匿名的, and all identifying information will be removed from the poem prior to judging.
  • 在比赛中排名第一的参赛作品, 第二个, 第三, or honorable mention) will be published on the 靠谱的买球网站 website and in a booklet to be distributed to attendees at the John Fox, Jr. 节日. By entering the contest, an author consents to these methods of publication.
  • 将参赛作品邮寄至:      


                        主持人:Vicki Rutledge




Contact:  Vicki Rutledge at (276) 523-7466; e-mail: vrutledge@redzphotography.com